Artemis★'s blog

Hello! I'm Artemis★ if you didn't know me already! I'm 12 years old and I love anime, manga and I love to draw too!

Going trick-or-treating as Rin.K this year!

Whee! This year, I'm making a halloween costume for Kagamine Rin! It looks pretty good so far! X3 If you want to see how it looks, I will be posting my progress on deviantART, my user is "ArtemisMiku"

Bluurrrgg. So much homework.

I don't think that it is only me that is getting a whole bunch of homework, I find it really irritating, and I'mnot even in highschool yet, BLUURRGGG.


Heh, school has started again, ehh, I kinda like going yet I kinda don't. Anyways, I have an awesome teacher so..... Yeah. XD How are you guys enjoying school?

Whheeee. Random entry.

Lol, I found and downloaded the hatena blog app, but I don't understand a single thing on it because it's in Japanese. XD Well, I need more anime again. XD Anybody got any suggestions? I like literally every genre, so just recommend anythi…

I need anime.....

Could somebody please suugest some really good animes to watch? I can watch almost any anime, and long as it isn't, well, "bad". I'll give you a few examples of animes and mangas that I really liked: Black Butler/kuroshitsuji/II, Steins;Ga…

R.I.P., Hatena...~<3

I cannot get over the fact that Hatena is gone, I keep complaining to my buddies on the Dollars site, but I think I should try to get over it, but still, Hatena has been here for around 4 years, that's four years that contributed so much t…

Goodbye Flipnote Hatena! Q~Q

Flipnote Hatena's closing tomorrow, //sob sob. I don't want to see it go... tomorrow, I will stay on all day, until the minute it shuts down. D8 I love you, Flipnote Hatena. <3

Artemis★ here!

Hehe.. this is my first time on Hatenablog, and this is also my first blog ever! I don't really know what to write, but I hope to meet some old friends from Flipnote Hatena as well as new friends too! Please don't be afraid to talk to me, …